Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
The accountancy program of USJ-R is PAASCU Accredited (Level lll). USJ-R has also been designated by CHED as Center of Development in Accountancy. When USJ-R first gained this distinction in 2010, it becomes the first and only school in Cebu recognized by CHED as Center of Development in Accountancy.
This is the program that provides general accounting education to students wanting to pursue a professional career in Accountancy in general, and in Public Accounting in particular. Furthermore, this is the program that complies with the latest competency framework for professional accountants issued by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) through their International Education Standards. Thus, this qualifies the graduate of this program to take assessments leading to certifications in Accountancy given by the Professional Regulation Commission – Board of Accountancy (PRC-BOA) and other global professional Accountancy organizations.
As a field of study, Accountancy is a profession that involves providing assurance and audit services for statutory financial reporting, tax-related services, management advisory services partnering in management decision-making, devising planning and performance and control systems, and providing expertise in financial reporting and control to assist various stakeholders in making decisions.[/ultimate_heading]
Middle-level positions
Advanced positions
College of Commerce (Main Campus)
Contact Number: (032)253-7900 loc. 270
Fax : (032)253-7900 loc. 270
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We envision the University of San Jose-Recoletos to be a premier Gospel and Community-oriented educational institution committed to lead in instruction, research, community engagement, and innovation in order to transform Josenians into proactive and compassionate leaders, creators of communion, and dynamic partners of society in the 21st Century.
University of San Jose - Recoletos
Year Founded 1947